Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
56550 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory 4200 E 9th Ave, Denver, Colorado 80206
49690 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory MI
137904 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory 48109-0362;Ann Arbor
137905 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory Zaragoza
142408 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
142575 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
160859 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory Madrid
171138 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory Torre del Greco
187104 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
177082 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory Milan
346561 Division of Gastroenterology institution
528047 Division of Gastroenterology University of Pennsylvania laboratory
1054752 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
1054774 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
1054776 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
175895 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory Durham, NC
191122 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
404992 Division of Gastroenterology researchteam
1054756 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory
144329 Division of Gastroenterology laboratory Hilleroed